Calvin University Senior Project 2021

AI Interviewer Senior Project by Hyechan Jun, Ha-Ram Koo, Advait Scaria

View the Project on GitHub haramkoo/InterviewAI

DAISI (Deep Artificial Intelligence System for Interviews)


With the advent of machine learning, it has become increasingly clear that AI is capable of completing tasks that were hitherto considered only possible by human minds. We hope to join those on the frontier of machine learning by creating an AI Interviewer, temporarily named DAISI. There are two main problems to address here: first, whether creating such an interviewer will be possible, and second, whether it will be any good. We have managed thus far to create prototype models that are capable of asking questions, and we have created qualitative metrics to score the models’ performance. We have also created some quantitative metrics based on those qualitative metrics, and hope to expand our quantitative metrics further with more research. Our next step as of the writing of this About section is to iteratively create more models that will hopefully perform better than our current prototypes.


This is a research project; the focus is less on developing new software and more on refining pre-existing ones to suit our needs. Our research objective is first and foremost to see whether modern AI models can replicate the job of an interviewer to a satisfactory enough degree that we could feasibly use it for actual interviews. Should we succeed, there could be a use for the AI Interviewer, such as replacing journalists in dangerous locations like warzones. Moreover, the success of our AI Interviewer could aid in other research projects, such as AI to help writers, AI call center representatives, or any other position that involves asking questions or guiding conversations based on context.

The Team

Hyechan Jun

Hyechan Jun is a Senior Computer Science (BCS) major with a double major in Writing. He plans to continue studying AI into graduate school, with the goal of obtaining a Ph.D.

Ha-Ram Koo

Ha-Ram Koo is a Senior Computer Science (BCS) major with a minor in Spanish. He is in charge of data collection and data wrangling procedures for this project.

Advait Scaria

Advait Scaria is a Senior Computer Science (BCS) major with a minor in Data Science. He is the main analyst and judge of the models’ performance.

Project Materials